Pelawan/Northern Box Decking Standard and Better grade 90 x 19 (lineal metre)


Pelawan/Northern Box Decking Standard and Better grade 90 x 19 (lineal metre)

Northern Box (Pelawan) is a large hardwood with an extremely clean grain generally free of natural features. The heartwood is a reddish brown or purple grey-brown with a tight interlocked wavy grain. A little extra effort is required when using Northern Box as it is an extremely hard durable hardwood... Read More



Northern Box (Pelawan) is a large hardwood with an extremely clean grain generally free of natural features.

The heartwood is a reddish brown or purple grey-brown with a tight interlocked wavy grain. A little extra effort is required when using Northern Box as it is an extremely hard durable hardwood but the reward given for the extra effort when working with it is a longer lasting deck or screen that some other hardwoods on the market.